A Prayer For A Husband And Wife By William Gouge / by Cristián Rogers


Presented here is a slight modernization of a prayer from Gouge’s “Domesticall Duties”, intended for use as a model by husbands and wives together. Enjoy! #OriginalPurityCulture — Cristián Rogers

Source: http://www.digitalpuritan.net/Digital%20Puritan%20Resources/Gouge%2C%20William/%5BWG%5D%20Patterns%20of%20Prayers%20for%20the%20Several%20Members%20of%20a%20Family.pdf

A Prayer for Husbands and Wives, in regard of their mutual and joint duties whereunto they are both bound.

O MOST mighty and merciful Lord God, who by thy wise, ordering Providence has made us two one flesh, and joined us together by the nearest and firmest bond of all, which is Marriage, so knit our hearts together, we humbly beseech thee, as matrimonial unity may ever be kept inviolable betwixt us : and a thought of desertion never enter into either of souls. Let thy fear so possess our hearts, as we keep our bodies the temples of the Holy Ghost, in all purity and chastity : and be so watchful over the powers of our soul, and parts of our bodies, over company, over our diet and apparel, and over everything we take in hand, as we be no way drawn to commit the filthy and capital sin of Adultery : but rather yielding due benevolence one to another, we may mutually delight one in another.

For this end, as our persons are knit together by the indissoluble bond of Marriage, so link our hearts together by the inviolable bond of mutual matrimonial love : even such love as may make us keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace : that there be no jealousies, offenses, and no contentions betwixt us. Make us also, we pray three, mutually provident one to another : wherein that we may do one another the more good, make us ever willing to dwell together : and when there is just cause of absence for a time, let us take all occasions to testifying our present mindfulness of one another, and longing desire one after another. And, good Father, so [grant] us the spirit of supplication, as we always without ceasing may call upon thee the fountain of all blessing, and in our prayers be mutually mindful one of one another : and take all occasion of praying jointly together.

And now being here both together before thee, we earnestly beseech thee to make us, whom thou hast made one flesh, to be one spirit, joint members of the mystical body of Christ : so to sanctify our fellowship, that we may truly rejoice one in another, and bless thee from our hearts one for another : let our bed ever remain a bed undefiled : bless us with children, and bless us in them : bless us with a competent estate, and with all needful gifts and graces : keep us from wishing any hurt one to another, and from imprecating any ill one to another. Give us we beseech thee, not only a mind to wish well one another, but also willingness and ability to do good one for another, and that in our souls, bodies, estate, and good name. In our souls, by edifying one another : that we who on Earth are so [closely] united, may not after this life be separated as far as Heaven is from Hell. For this end give us wisdom to prevent sin one in another, by removing all stumbling blocks, and occasion of sin : and also to redress sin by all the good courses we can think of. Give us ability, we pray thee, to help forward the growth of grace in one another, by manifest approbation thereof : yea, also by mutual conference, good example, and holy exercises of piety both public and private. Make us further careful over one another’s bodies, to nourish and cherish them health and in sickness : not grudging at the cost that is laid out, or at the pains that is taken thereabout.

Let also the Christian credit and good name of one another be mutually precious to us so as we speak of one another such things tend thereunto, and stop all evil reports and disprove, as much as with us lieth, all slanders : and if by either of us is just cause of an evil name be given, give us grace to meekly and wisely to make it known one to another, that afterwards the like may be avoided : yea that by our [manner of living] we may gain such a good name as may clean put out the fire of of the former ill name : and let us be so affected with the verities wherewith it pleases thee to endue either of us, and with the sweet savor which thence ariseth, as we may show thereby that we are affected with the good name of one another as our own. Keep us therefore from the vices which may make us discredit one another : as [spreading] abroad one another infirmities, opening our ear to every rash report, turning all things to the worst, envying and gainsaying good reports one another. And as in thy wisdom thou has made us a help each to other, even in regard of outward estate, give us wisdom, O Lord, to extend our mutual provident care there unto, that in our several places, we may as two hands of the same body, jointly endeavor to persevere and increase the same : that as by too much covetousness we seek not to scrape all to ourselves, so neither by prodigality we waste the estate, nor by idleness neglect the same.

And as thou hast made us joint parents of the same children, and joint governors of the same household, so (Lord), make us in our distinct places alike careful for the good education of our children and government of family, and of our servants therein : that being by thy ordinance under the same yoke, we may both draw the same way, and not thwart the other, nor put off all the care from one to another, and refuse to add our best help : much less hinder one another in the joint duties which belong to us both. Yea, Lord, we beseech thee to make us of one heart and mind, in affording hospitality according to our ability unto such Christians as come to our house, whether kindred or others (without grudging one against another therein) and in relieving the Poor also, lest we should by unmercifulness cause many curses to rest upon our house. These and all other bounded duties, either mutually one to another, or jointly others in our house, or out of it, enable us, O God of Power, conscionably to perform. Let not our sins cause thy wrath to fall upon us, but pardon them all, we most humbly beseech thee, whether they have been committed by either of us against the other, or against any other person, or any other way against thy sacred Majesty and holy Law, and that for Jesus Christ his sake, in and by whom, through the assistance of thy Holy Spirit, we desire that thy name may be glorified by us and others in our several places now and forever more.